Cold urticaria is a condition when a person’s skin reacts to cold temperatures, and breaks out in hives. The condition of cold urticaria is actually an allergy to cold, and the hives appear any time the skin is exposed to a cold stimulus.
It is fairly easy to identify the symptoms of cold urticaria, because a person will experience hives when their skin is exposed to cold. The hives may appear as a result of cold weather, touching something cold, or cold water. If the cold exposure lasts for a long time, it can result in a serious reaction over the entire body.
Typically, the symptoms of cold urticaria are mild when the initial cold exposure occurs, but the symptoms get worse when the skin is warmed. The hives are itchy and red, and they can occur anywhere on the body.
If you suspect that you have cold urticaria, it is a good idea to visit the doctor for treatment advice. There is no known cure for this condition, but there are several treatments available to minimize the occurrence of the hives.
Most doctors suggest that cold temperatures are avoided as much as possible, and if you know that you will be exposed to cold temperatures you may consider taking an antihistamine to lessen the reactions.
Keep in mind that these symptoms may occur from any type of cold exposure. Even drinking from a cold drink may cause your lips to swell from contact with the drink, and the hand holding the glass may begin to develop hives and swell.
Daily habits will need to be adjusted in order to avoid cold conditions. Here are a few suggestions to limit the reaction of cold urticaria and prevent hives:
There are many factors that can affect your cold urticaria reactions, but a few proactive steps can help you to avoid severe outbreaks. It is possible to live a normal life and simply avoid situations that may cause your skin to be cold.