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Do You Have Bad Toe Nails? - Food Pyramid
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Do You Have Bad Toe Nails?

By Senior Editor
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It may not be pleasant conversation, but most people will experience some type of minor problem associated with toenails at one point or another during the course of their life. While most cases of bad toenails are caused by injury or infection and can be easily treated, other conditions are chronic and require more intense solutions.

Having bad toe nails can refer to everything from unpleasant coloration to painful podiatry issues. While it may be tempting to overlook bad toe nails so as to not have to deal with an unpleasant situation; treating these toes nail issues as early as possible can help you reduce symptoms quickly and possible avoid further complications in the future.

Yellow toenails

Color changes in the enamel of the toenails can indicate a problem, and for some a very serious problem. People with bad toenails will often see their nails take on a yellowish hue indicating top enamel alteration. This can be an indication of fungus that is growing unregulated underneath the toenail.

Black and blue nails

Another common color scheme seen amongst individuals with bad toenail troubles is black and blue. This normally indicates that blood vessel underneath the nail have broken. Blood from these vessels can pool underneath the nail, causing it to take on a black and blue appearance.

Thick toenails

Individuals who notice their toe nails thickening without visible cause may be suffering from a toenail fungus. Often times, these fungi can cause toenails to become yellow and brittle. The deterioration of the nail can be very painful and should be examined by a doctor.

In-grown toe nails

This condition is common, but can also be extremely painful. Those individuals with bad toenails may suffer from the effects of nails that grow into the surrounding skin tissue. These in-grown toenails can cause severe irritation and swelling if left untreated.


Treatments for bad toenail problems vary according to specific symptoms that are being presented. A toenail fungus can usually be treated with a topical cream or capsule. In-grown toenails can be sanded down or cut away by a podiatrist if they become extremely painful. Yellowing is often treated with medicated nail gel to correct and strengthen enamel.


There are several steps you can take to prevent the symptoms of bad toenails from catching you by surprise. Take care of your toenails by wearing shoes with sufficient room for toes. Additionally, be sure to keep toenails trimmed in order to avoid in-grown toenails. Keeping toenails short is also a good way to keep bacteria, which can lead to infection, from collecting under extended nails. Make a diligent effort to keep toes try to avoid moisture buildup along nail lines that is often accompanied by bacterial infections. If you have questions about how to treat specific toenail problems, be sure to consult a pharmacist or local podiatrist. Both of these professionals should be able to assist in diagnosing the toenail problem and recommending brand-name treatments and therapies for healing.

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