Fibromyalgia is a disease that causes chronic debilitating pain and aches in muscles, tendon and ligaments. So far little is known about the causes and even little is known about the cure or treatment of fibromyalgia. However, due to fairly common occurrence (1 in 50 individuals), the need is to know about simple and natural remedies that can minimize the symptoms and prevent aggravation of muscle pain and aches.
A few diets and nutritional supplements are known to prevent aggravation in the symptoms of fibromyalgia by improving immunity and reducing inflammation in tissues and muscles.
Vitamin D rich foods
Vitamin D is required for healthy bones and muscle functioning and a number of case studies have revealed that Vitamin D and calcium levels are deficient in fibromyalgia symptomatic patients. It is always good to increase the consumption of foods like dairy products, green leafy vegetables and egg to increase calcium levels as a natural remedy for fibromyalgia. Although, not recommended but if you are above 40 years, you can also start Vitamin D supplementation after discussing with your primary care physician.
Apart from Vitamin D, Magnesium rich diets and supplements are also effective in inducing symptom-free periods in chronic fibromyalgia patients.
S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe)
Although research is still underway, but the serum studies on fibromyalgia patients shows the aberration in normal neurotransmitter levels. It is believed that the alteration in natural balance can be improved by the use of some herbs. In natural remedies for fibromyalgia treatment, S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) is considered very effective. S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) is not present in dietary sources and thus must be consumed as a supplement. Besides improving the symptoms of chronic pain, it also improves secondary symptoms of fibromyalgia like depression, tender spots, sleep quality, anxiety and concentration.
Apart from these, Capsaicin application locally on skin around muscles and aching spots also relieves pain by stimulating the release of pain neurotransmitters. Capsaicin sprays are widely used to relieve pain temporarily in case of pain attack of fibromyalgia and is more effective than traditional pain-killers and sprays.
Ginger, garlic and turmeric intake in diet also improves symptoms by improving immunity and limiting inflammation.
Among natural remedies of fibromyalgia, physical therapies like massage, acupuncture and ancient Thai and Chinese massages are known to relieve pain associated with fibromyalgia.
Deep tissue massage
Massage improves the circulation of blood across the muscles and tendon and release tension in the ligaments. This is perhaps the least hazardous and most effective or ancient form of therapy for muscular ailments.
Acupuncture is another natural remedy for fibromyalgia that aims at releasing stress at pressure points with the expert introduction of fine needles in the tissue. It helps in generation of positive energy, improves circulation and also relieves secondary symptoms of fibromyalgia.
You can see a professional for effective relief of symptoms and also learn a few basic techniques to practice at home.
Physical therapy
Physical therapy with the use of instruments and machines is also known to improve the symptoms by improving immune functioning, muscular activity and tendon or ligament stiffening.
Besides, these simple and natural remedies For fibromyalgia treatment, lifestyle modification, avoidance of alcohol and caffeine and intake of balanced healthy diet is equally important in order to minimize exacerbations.