With what should you substitute the meat in a vegetarian diet in order to get enough nutrients?
When you are a vegetarian you will need more protein than you would get from fruits or bread. Correct answer is B: Beans and leguminous plants.
How large portion of your energy (in percent) should come from sugar?
Not more than 10% of your energy should come from sugar. This is important for your body as well as for your teeth. Correct answer is C: 10%.
Which nutrient has the most energy value?
Fat is the nutrient that contains the most energy. It contains more than twice as much energy, as carbohydrates and protein. One gram of fat contains nine calories, while both carbohydrates and proteins only contain four calories per gram. This means that fat is more energy rich than both carbohydrate and protein. Correct answer is B: Fat gives you the most energy.
What type of fat is best for your health?
Too much of saturated fat can increase the risk of diseases involving heart- and blood vessels (Cardiovascular diseases). Monounsaturated fat is somewhat better than saturated fat, but polyunsaturated fat is the best alternative for your health. Correct answer is C: Polyunsaturated fat is best for your health.
What is Functional Food?
Functional Food is any fresh or processed food claimed to have a health-promoting and/or disease-preventing property beyond the basic nutritional function of supplying nutrients. Correct answer is A.
How much fruits and vegetables should we eat every day?
Two cups of fruit and 2½ cups of vegetables per day are recommended for a reference 2,000-calorie intake (with higher or lower amounts depending on the calorie level) is recommended for good health. This will reduce the risk of getting cardiovascular diseases. Correct answer is B: 5 daily cups of fruits and vegetables.
Is chocolate healthy?
Chocolate consists of calcium, protein and has an anti depressive effect, but you should not eat chocolate that has a lot of fat and sugar. Correct answer is C: Chocolate is healthy in moderate amounts.
Which of the following products have the lowest GI (Glycemic Index)?
Vegetable, apple, pear, orange, strawberry, leguminous plant and whole meal bread are products with the lowest GI (Glycemic Index). Correct answer is B.