It’s important to get enough energy before and after a fitness activity. Eat the right kind of food in order to get the needed energy without upsetting your stomach. Try to eat food that contains a lot of carbohydrates and less protein and fat.
Here are two tasty and simple food recipes. You will also find a easy yogurt drink recipe. These recipes will give you a balanced energy intake. Enjoy!
713 kcal: 64% Carbohydrates, 18% Protein, 18% Fat
A plate of pasta is great food before a fitness activity. Add legumes, vegetables and bread to this delicious pasta.
2 buns + 1 yogurt drink = 532 kcal: 71% Carbohydrates, 11% Protein, 12% Fat
Bake your own energy buns. Eat them right after your fitness activity, preferably with a glass of home made yogurt. Two energy buns and one glass of yogurt drink, give 3.3 oz of carbohydrates (94 g) and 05 oz protein (15 g).
12 energy buns:
Put all the ingredients in one bowl and mix up the dough. Divide the dough into 12 buns and put them in the oven.
3.5 oz of natural yogurt (1 dl)
1 banana
5 oz orange juice (1.5 dl)