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The Best Self Confidence Tips - Food Pyramid
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The Best Self Confidence Tips

By Sabina Rose
Food Pyramid - 27 Aug, 2012

Self-confidence can be the deciding factor in feeling as if you are on top of the world or being frightened out of your mind. The way in which you perceive yourself has a huge impact on the way other individuals view you. Perception is a reality, and the more self-confidence you allow yourself to have, the more likely you are to succeed. Most of the factors that will affect your self-confidence may be outside your control. As such, there are several self confidence tips that you can pick to learn how to be more confident.

Here are some self confidence tips you may want to try in an effort to gain the self-confidence you desire.

Dress to impress: Although clothes may not necessarily make you, they will surely affect the way in which you feel about yourself. No one is any more focused on your appearance than you are. If you don’t feel like you are looking good, it will show in the way you interact with people around you and in the way they may act towards you. So make the necessary changes to ensure you are looking and feeling your best. This doesn’t mean you need to go out and spend lots of money on new clothes, but you may want to make a few key purchases that help to boost your confidence in your wardrobe.

Walk faster: A quick way to tell how an individual feels about him or herself is all in the way they walk. Learn how to be more confident by changing the way you walk. People who are confident walk at a faster pace as if to say that they have places to go and important work to be done. Even though you may not be in a rush, it may increase your self-confidence by picking up the pace.

Good posture: Individuals who tend to have slumped shoulders and slow movements appear to lack self-confidence. They show no enthusiasm towards what they are doing and their posture may signal feelings of unimportance. Let your shape or size not define the process of how to be more confident. You will start to feel more confident by practicing good posture. Stand straight and make eye contact. No matter your shape but this will ensure you make a good first impression and you will feel more alert and empowered.

Compliment others: How to be more confident if we have negative feelings about ourselves. We tend to project those feelings toward others by making insults. In an effort to stop this negative cycle, make praising others a habit. By looking for good in other people, you will bring out the best in yourself. This is one of the more important self confidence tips.

Work out: Just as personal appearance is important, so is physical appearance. No self confidence tips will help if you feel you may not be in the best of health. You’ll feel insecure, less energetic and unattractive. If you begin to work out, your physical appearance will change and you will feel more energetic and in turn you will give off a more energetic vibe.

Focus on contributing: We often allow ourselves to get so caught up in our own wants that we have no time to focus on the needs of others. Best among self confidence tips is to induce self confidence in others. Taking time out to be assistive to others is a great way to help those in need, which can help generate positive feelings about yourself. You kick start the cycle of how to be more confident in not only yourself but others who will start looking up to you.

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